The personality profile for people focused on growth.


A next-level personality profile that’s actually actionable


Does the world really need another personality profile?

It turns out, maybe we do. We need one that isn’t just focused on accuracy, but instead is built with a new goal in mind: helping people grow.

What most people don’t understand about personality researchers is that they are working on their measurement tool, not on you. You are a statistic, teaching their algorithm, not an individual with goals. Researchers aren’t mean people or anything like that…they are just doing what researchers do, focused on accuracy instead of usefulness.

We take researchers’ work a big step further, knowing that you might be interested in learning about how to grow as a person, find clarity about challenges you have or see in others, uplevel your mindset, form new habits, improve your most important relationships, address blind spots and biases, and more. In our profile, you are our focus, and that’s a difference people can feel.


"I just tried the personality test - it's by far the best I've ever taken. Incredibly insightful, nuanced, and relevant." - Engineering Leader


"You can see I have enough gray hair to know I've done a lot of this type of stuff before. I've never taken a test that was so clear in helping me improve a few bad habits. And I've never seen anything like this that helps me understand others so well. This helped me finally get clarity about things that have baffled me for the last 10 years, both about myself and other people." - Multi-time founder


"This profile probably accelerated our team understanding each other by two years. Maybe more." - F500 Executive


"I cried when I read the results. Seriously. I felt so validated reading the sections about my enthusiasm and how I'm misunderstood and judged by other people. This was a big experience for me." - SaaS Founder


"Holy s**t, this thing nailed it and finally helped me understand where I lose people." - FAANG Product Leader


"We had over 40 people on our team take this at the same time. Every person said it "got them" and gave them insights they could put to work the very same day. We have already begun using the ideas we learned. That's never happened before." - Hotel Brand Exec.


"I just tried the personality test - it's by far the best I've ever taken. Incredibly insightful, nuanced, and relevant." - Engineering Leader 👏 "You can see I have enough gray hair to know I've done a lot of this type of stuff before. I've never taken a test that was so clear in helping me improve a few bad habits. And I've never seen anything like this that helps me understand others so well. This helped me finally get clarity about things that have baffled me for the last 10 years, both about myself and other people." - Multi-time founder 👏 "This profile probably accelerated our team understanding each other by two years. Maybe more." - F500 Executive 👏 "I cried when I read the results. Seriously. I felt so validated reading the sections about my enthusiasm and how I'm misunderstood and judged by other people. This was a big experience for me." - SaaS Founder 👏 "Holy s**t, this thing nailed it and finally helped me understand where I lose people." - FAANG Product Leader 👏 "We had over 40 people on our team take this at the same time. Every person said it "got them" and gave them insights they could put to work the very same day. We have already begun using the ideas we learned. That's never happened before." - Hotel Brand Exec. 👏



A Complete Personality Analysis

If you’re used to other personality profiles, one thing that will feel more evolved and powerful is the honesty and completeness of the Big 5.

The Big 5 is a clinical instrument. It isn’t built just to be a fun exercise; it’s built to be a truthful, accurate, and complete instrument. You wouldn’t want a blood test or a brain scan to be made for fun…you’d want the truth, so you can make decisions and take action.

This profile is going to tell you things that other assessments leave out, and it’s going to tell you those things in a helpful way that is designed to empower you to make decisions and grow.

Our profile is $25, and you’ll get hundreds of dollars worth of insights out of it that can transform your professional and personal life. Keep reading to see everything you’re going to get.



Step 1: Take the test

The Big 5 test itself is super simple. It only takes most people 12 - 15 minutes to complete.

We use an accurate and complete test that millions of people have taken before you. While many companies have tried to invent their own test, nobody has beaten the Big 5. Each of the questions have been rigorously, statistically tested to produce the most accurate result, highlighting how your brain works compared to how other peoples’ brains work.



Step 2: Get Your Scores

Your scores give you a real sense of how your personality compares to other people. This is useful because it helps you understand how you fit into the world around you.

You’ll know how many people are like you (and how many aren’t), giving you a real sense of just how rare of an individual you are, how you are different than other people, and exactly what that means for the experiences you can expect out there in the real world.



Step 3: Understand Your Range

Personality isn’t a narrow thing you are stuck with. People actually have a lot of range. But as you leave the “home base” of your most natural way of being, things become more effortful, forced, artificial, or even foreign and unappealing.

Politeness, pictured here, is a great example of this. A person low in politeness can certainly choose a less direct, less blunt tone. But as they push themselves to act like someone who is naturally extremely high in politeness, they will start to feel like they are forcing it, uncomfortable, silly, or even unwilling to stray so far from what their brain wants to do most.



Step 4: Develop a Vocabulary

The first thing you’ll learn about is yourself and you’ll develop an invaluable vocabulary for how to describe yourself to people.

You might think that other people can understand how you think. The truth is they probably don’t, or they assume things about you that just aren’t right. You’re going to have to explain how your mind works surprisingly often, so you might as well have a precise way of doing it. This section helps you learn how to explain yourself to others: how you think, the benefits of how you see the world, and the places you excel. If you’re interviewing, feel misunderstood by the people you work with, or just want a crisper understanding of how your own mind works, this was built for you.



Step 5: Understand How You’re Seen

We all know how it feels to be inside of our own heads, but a lot of people struggle to grasp what that looks like from the outside. In fact, a lot of people have never even considered what it’s like to be around them.

The rest of the people out there in the world experience you. If you are a positive experience, people will like being around you, they will include you in things, and they’ll trust you more with responsibility, information, and opportunity.

It’s critical to understand how you’re seen by other people or you’ll see doors closing when you want them to be opening, feeling confused about what you can do about it.



Step 6: Understand Other People

This is something almost no other personality test gives you: a great understanding of other people. If you plan on leaving your house any time soon, you might want to know a few things about people other than you.

We teach you what other people are like, and why they are that way. We even teach you some of the basic neuroscience that explains why they are so different than you, helping you step into their shoes and understand how it feels to be them.

This will help you understand where other people’s ideas, reactions, decisions, and style comes from, removing the mystery of relationships and making managing, leading, and teaming much, much easier for you.



Step 7: Understand Your Risks

Yep, you aren’t perfect. Nobody is.

While other personality profiles soften or even completely avoid helping you understand the risks inherent in your personality, we head right into it. If you want to grow as an individual and see that reflected in your relationships and success in life, tackling risks head-on is how to do it.

The point of understanding risks, blind spots and biases isn’t to feel bad. It’s to feel like you have eye-opening, actionable information coming from a team that is in your corner, helping you grow and succeed in scenarios that used to confuse and entangle you.



Step 8: Analyze Relationships With Other People

We were one of the first to do it and we are still the best at it.

Because of the power of our profile data, you can get an incredibly-detailed look at any relationship in your life. Simply add them as a relationship and once they take the test, you can see how your relationship really works.

You can add anyone. Your reports, your colleagues, your spouse, your family. No, not your dog, but maybe we can figure that out at some point in the future. And you can even add people without inviting them…simply create what we call a persona, fill out a brief questionnaire about them, and you’ll have a similar analysis to if they filled out the test themselves. Helpful for adding clients, prospects, or anyone without them having to take the test.



Ready to get started?

Take the test people feel is the best they’ve ever taken, more actionable, useful, and insightful.

It’s packed with knowledge that will make you more understood, make work feel easier, help you improve your relationships, and help you grow.

It’s made for you, not for researchers.
