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Topic 7 - 1:1 Relationships

Let's keep going on relationships, diving first into the 1:1 relationships you have with everyone in your life. Your brain is designed to keep track of these relationships automatically, and so is everyone else's. We're going to unpack a clear framework for how the mind thinks of other human beings, making it easier to understand and take action on key relationships.


  • Watch how your brain keeps track of relationships and thinks of people

  • Learn how different relationships form, and why they feel the way they do

  • Unpack strategies for addressing the most important relationship gaps

  • Build a personal approach to keep track of key relationships and invest in them


  • Understand precisely why relationships feel the way they do

  • Build trust more quickly

  • Be more understood, have greater access to opportunity, and always know how to make relationships work


Watch your mind work

A quick exercise can help you understand how your mind thinks of other people (and how their minds think of you). Let’s step through a few examples so you can watch your mind at work.


Creating some structure

Now that you’ve watched your mind at work, let’s turn this into a structure that helps you understand why relationships feel the way they do.


Deep Dives: Ability, Trust and appeal

Each person’s contribution to ability, trust, and appeal creates a specific impact on the relationship. Let’s dive into the effects of each, and understand how things look from both sides of a relationship.


Strategies for Relationships

Finally, let’s talk about what this implies for how you can take an active role in managing and improving relationships. Let’s strategize specific solutions for ability, trust, and appeal.


Journaling and To-Do List:

  • What relationships came to mind?

  • How well is your ability understood? Both your skills and how your mind works?

  • How well is your trust understood? Is there work to do?

  • How is your appeal? What is your appeal in inherently-unappealing situations?

  • What 5-10 relationships are most important for you to understand and improve?

  • Make a specific ability, trust, appeal game plan for each.